Westie, Fox Terrier & Schnauzer Staph infections

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Staph Infections in dogs

What's the difference between an Allergy and bacterial or Staph infection?

My vet has always insisted these red spots on the left are an allergy. I asked for tests, we found that these red spots were not from a food allergy but were Staph germs.

bumps and scabs

These large areas start off as red spot and then turns into a larger area and a scab forms. This is a staph infection and MRSA.

dog sores

My doctor put my dog on antibiotics and that helps short term but they always come back. I feed my dog homemade so I know she is getting good wholesome nutrition and no grains.

After a lot of time, money and effort I asked for a skin scraping done on my dog. I was shocked at the result. My vet had mis-diagnosed my pets problem.

It wasn't food at all. It was a staph infection and a bad one. This staph infection was resistant to all antibiotics. I saw the report and took my dog and the report and found another vet. 

My new vet told me it was going to be hard to cure this problem but we agreed that we could at least try to help my girl get better. She was on a anti-biotic and Prednisone (steroid) therapy but it did not work.

Elle was able to tolerate the antibiotic but not the Prednisone. So we took her off the Pred and continued the Cephalexin. 

At first we tried Cephalexin for 2 weeks 250 mg per day. That did not work. 

Cephalexin is an antibiotic used in dogs. It is most commonly prescribed after a surgery or to treat a bacterial infection. 

Then we tried Cephalexin for 4 weeks. No change

Then we tried Cephalexin for 8 weeks. No change.

Finally the vet bumped up the dosage to 500 mg per day, morning and night. This worked for a while. In fact I was encouraged because the spots went away and stayed away for an entire month.

Elle is still on antibiotics. Here feet, which were very infected are now 50% better and the spots take longer to appear but she still has this infection in her system.

This is how I take care of staph and bacterial skin problems.

Most of the time if I am vigilant I can control dog skin problems but yesterday I found more than 20 scabs all over her body and started her on the antibiotics and cleaned out the scabs every day with my method above.

It keeps coming back usually around the tail area and then spreads onto her belly and eventually on the back starting at the tail and migrating to the neck.

She has never had these sores on her head or eyes. But she does have dog skin problems around her mouth on the right side only. 

I use other things to help reduce bacterial growth, including oregano oil, propolis, and olive leaf extract. I also use essential oils, colloidal silver, Manuka honey, and Pavia cream.

Resistance to staph infection antibiotics

The last time I visited the vet, they told me that they had given up on curing my dogs staph infection. They told me that her body was resistant to all types of medications that are used for staph infections. This really upset me because at times, the infection is so bad that she cannot stand on her sore feet.

I have placed soft rugs everywhere she has to walk so that it does hurt so much. I'm really at the end of my rope on this one. I wash her down everyday with dandruff shampoo. 

As soon as her paws are lesion free, I'm going to try once again with vinegar and water solution applied to her feet every day.

It keeps coming back usually around the tail area and then spreads onto her belly and eventually on the back starting at the tail and migrating to the neck.

She has never had these sores on her head or eyes. But she does have dog skin problems around her mouth on the right side only.

Resistance to staph infection antibiotics

As soon as her paws are lesion free, I'm going to try once again with vinegar and water solution applied to her feet every day. Read about how I cured my dog of yeast infections

Read more about:

Skin Allergies

My dog Spooky had staph infections